Elle Lab - Creative studio based in Milan specialised in marketing and communication and 3d printing laboratory


Painting a 3D Fan Art model

We print a 3D resin fan art model, you color it and take it home! A creative and therapeutic experience to share with friends, family or your partner. Every Saturday a new theme and new characters to choose from.

Pittura un modello Fan Art 3DFind out more


3D Modeling & Print

Learn to create iconic 3D models and make customizable resin 3D prints.

3D ModelingFind out more

Training Course

AI Content Creation

Gain practical and theoretical knowledge of AI tools applicable to creative industries to improve productivity and stimulate your creativity.

AI Content CreationFind out more

Team Building


Team Building for your Company

Adattiamo i format delle nostre experience e dei nostri workshop per organizzare giornate di team building o formazione per le aziende, in grado di consolidare i rapporti fra colleghi, il clima aziendale e le competenze tecniche.

We hear you

Complete the form and ask for a 30 min brainstorm with our experts.